Steam rolled by Jerry Lorenzo, 2017 has become the year of the track pants. The biggest stars on the planet can all be seen wearing his signature Fear of God track pants. Have I said track pants enough? You get it. Many of Jerry’s pieces are inspired by his childhood in the 1980’s. His father was a famed baseball player and obviously me being a fan of the New York Mets, Jerry Manuel made me more interested in this brand. Lorenzo has many pieces that look like they’ve been inspired by baseball. The track pant is no exception. They look like tight baseball pants with a single line down the leg just on steroids. No pun intended. It would be funny if there was a picture of Barry Bonds wearing them though. These pants have caught on so much because they’re so versatile. Like many pieces in his collection, you can make them super dressy with leather shoes or casual with sneakers. You can even lounge around the house in them. Almost every high end brand has their version. They go with everything you can think of. I don’t think they’ll be going anywhere anytime soon and I wouldn’t be surprised to see stores like H&M, Forever 21and Zara follow suit in 2018.